With a downtown as picturesque as DeLand’s, a parade down Woodland Blvd seems the perfect celebration of any event. For the Krewe of Amalee, this has been taken to the next level. Their annual DeLand Dog Parade “Mardi Gras on Main Street” has raised almost $600,000 through sponsorships which are used to nurture local neighborhoods as well as support the arts, fragile families, and humane pet centers.
This year’s parade, Superhero Pups on Mainstreet, is no exception to the tradition which brings over 10,000 people to enjoy the antics and costumes of the dogs (and their owners). The local parade is a twist on the original New Orleans parades with dogs as the major parade walkers. The fun begins at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 2 where the parade will march down Woodland Blvd from Michigan Ave to Howry Ave.
More than just a parade, the Krewe of Amalee hosts a Family Fun Festival on Indiana Ave after the parade until 4:00 p.m. The Festival boats activities for people and dogs including entertainment, dog demonstrations, and vendors. No Mardi Gras festivities would be complete without some authentic Mardi Gras food and music. The Festival is open to the public and admission is free.
For more information, visit the Krewe of Amalee’s website at www.dogparadedeland.com